Faye Barber

Currently residing in Katy, TX., Faye began her life in art as a young child in California. With a guiding hand from her grandmother, a talented fine artist in her own right, Faye ultimately developed her style along the tried-and-true path of self education.

Primarily working with acrylics, Faye is known for her unique and uplifting pieces featuring vivid and expressive animals, whimsical characters, and beautifully crafted nature scenes. Painting with her soul as much as her brush, each piece radiates life, personality, and feeling.

Having been surrounded by loving and supportive friends and family throughout her career, Faye believes that life is a blessing and that color, beauty, and inspiration can be found even in the most unlikely of places.

Though the lion's share of her inspiration now comes from her beautiful children, Caleb and Gracie.

Visit Faye Barber online to enjoy more of her artwork.